Meeting Prep Assistant
Daily trigger
Running behavior...
Tomorrow's Calendar Events
Meeting Prep Assistant
Running action...
Find Events
Meeting Prep Assistant
This agent sends a daily email with insights about your upcoming meetings.
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Meeting Prep Assistant
Daily trigger
Running behavior...
Tomorrow's Calendar Events
Meeting Prep Assistant
Running action...
Find Events
This agent sends a daily email with insights about your upcoming meetings.
Jane Doe
Draft replies to the emails in my inbox.
Gmail Auto-Replier
Sure! I'll draft replies to each email currently in your inbox.
Running action...
Find Emails
This agent extracts key information from any company's public LinkedIn page.
Jane Doe
Evaluate the resume I just uploaded.
Criteria-Based Resume Screening
Sure! I'll evaluate the resume you uploaded.
Analyzing data...
Candidate Resume
This agent filters resumes based on criteria like skills, experience, and qualifications.
Gmail Event Creator
Daily trigger
Running behavior...
Daily Email to Calendar Events
Gmail Event Creator
Running action...
Find Events
This agent creates a Google Calendar event for every email in your inbox.
Lead Background Research
A new email has come in. I will run the appropriate behavior.
Running behavior...
Smart Company Insights & Suggestions
Lead Background Research
Running action...
Create Draft
This agent researches your new users or sales leads and drafts personalized greetings
Jane Doe
Add and categorize this expense: Office supplies purchase from Staples, pens and notebooks, $45.20.
Expense Classifier
Sure! I'll add and categorize that expense.
Running behavior...
Classify new expense
This agent automatically organizes and categorizes expense data.
Jane Doe
Categorize the emails in my inbox
Inbox Categorizer
Sure! I'll categorize all the emails currently in your inbox.
Running action...
Find Emails
This agent reads your email inbox and categorizes them into user-defined buckets.
Jane Doe
Populate the responses for the Typeform with ID ltf7Qwjm
Typeform to Google Sheets Populator
Sure! I'll populate the responses for that form.
Running action...
Lookup Responses
This agent populates a Google Sheet with responses collected from Typeform.
Jane Doe
Generate a summary of my inbox.
Inbox Summarizer
Sure! I'll generate a summary of your current inbox.
Running action...
Find Emails
This agent reads all the unread emails in your inbox and generates a summary email.
Jane Doe
Generate a sales email for
Automated Sales Lead Emails
Sure! I'll lookup that company and generate a sales email.
Running tool...
Looking up
This agent creates personalized sales emails by automatically pulling information from a website.
Jane Doe
Analyze and suggest SEO improvements
SEO Analysis
Sure! I'll analyze that website.
Running tool...
Looking up
This agent rates your website for SEO and get suggestions for improvements
Jane Doe
LinkedIn Company Analyzer
Sure! I'll lookup that company on LinkedIn and extract key information.
Running tool...
Looking up
This agent extracts key information from any company's public LinkedIn page.
Jane Doe
Generate outreach emails using leads from the spreadsheet I added.
Sales Email Creator
Sure! I'll generate outreach emails for each of those leads.
Running behavior...
Lead Outreach Email Automation
This agent creates personalized sales emails by reading lead data from spreadsheets.
Jane Doe
Score the candidate I just uploaded.
Candidate Ranking System
Sure! I'll score the candidate with the resume you uploaded.
Analyzing data...
Candidate Resume
This agent ranks candidate resumes based on various factors like qualifications, skills, etc.
Jane Doe
Score the responses for the Typeform with ID ltf7Qwjm
Typeform Response Scorer
Sure! I'll score the responses for that form.
Running action...
Lookup Responses
This agent evaluates and scores each Typeform response based on predefined criteria.
Jane Doe
Summarize the articles in my document
Multi-Article Summarizer
Sure! I'll summarize the articles linked to within your Google Doc.
Analyzing data...
My Saved Articles
This agent reads and summarizes hundreds of articles or websites at once.
Jane Doe
Summarize and categorize these articles:,,
News Story Categorizer
Sure! I'll summarize and categorize those articles.
Running tool...
Looking up
This agent processes a list of news articles, summarizes and categorizes them.
Jane Doe
Review the PR
GitHub PR Auto-Reviewer
Sure! I'll review that PR.
Running action...
Find Pull Request
This agent reads a pull request and publishes a comment reviewing the code contribution.
Jane Doe
Generate an SEO-optimized article for
SEO Optimized Article Generator
Sure! I'll look up that product and generate an article for it.
Running tool...
Looking up
This agent takes a product link and topic, then writes a keyword-focused article.
Jane Doe
Analyze customer sentiment using feedback collected in Zendesk.
Customer Sentiment Analysis
Sure! I'll analyze customer sentiment using your Zendesk data source.
Analyzing data...
This agent analyzes customer sentiment from feedback in Zendesk.
Jane Doe
Analyze employee satisfaction using the survey responses for Typeform ltf7Qwjm.
Employee Satisfaction Analysis
Sure! I'll analyze employee satisfaction using the responses to that survey.
Running action...
Lookup Responses
This agent analyzes survey data to determine employee satisfaction.
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An experimental AI workspace where you can teach agents to work across 7,000+ apps.
Over a decade ago, Zapier launched with a simple idea that computers should do more work for you.
Today, over 2.2 million businesses use Zapier to automate 2 billion tasks every month.
Agents puts you in the driver's seat to automate even more work with the help of your friendly AI agents.
Zapier agents work across 7,000+ apps, even when you're away.